College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia, was set up under the ownership and administrative control of the WBUHS, in the year 2009.
The College and the Hospital are located on the same campus of 76.3 acres of land. The Hospital has 450 teaching beds with extra admissions in all departments due to the heavy rush of patients.
The institution is situated at a distance of 100 meters from Kalyani Shlipanchal Railway Station and 1.5 Km from Kalyani Railway Station.
Each batch consists of 100 MBBS students, 85 seats from WBUJEE and 15 from AIPMT, till now.
Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. In order to eradicate it, the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, passed the judgment wherein guidelines were issued for setting up of a Central Crisis Hotline and Anti-Ragging database.
In our institute, we are following anti-ragging guidelines directed by both UGC & MCI